Monday, August 24, 2020
World Essays (337 words) -, Ur, Eugne Christophe
Not more than a day or two ago, flawlessness crossed the end goal before I could arrive at it. That is my thing; continually pursuing something that is to some degree close to dependable, or something that is amazingly out of my scope. I despise falling flat. There is something in particular about those snapshots of disappointment that just consistently get up to speed to me in manners that cause me to go insane. It gets under my skin, and I feel as though I will recoup from it. Disappointment is debilitating, and frequenting to me. It is totally excessively. I got my history exposition back half a month prior. I had turned in this bit of composing realizing that it was not by best work. The task was to expound on a dubious issue in today?s society, and the class needed to expound on how we needed the legislature to fix the issue. The point I picked was gay rights. I realized the subsequent I began the article that it was an impractical notion. I out of nowhere understood that every one of my perspectives were carefully supposition based that couldn't be supported up with truth. As much as possible, not discover whatever could truly make my contentions substantial. I composed the paper in any case, and turned it in feeling discouraged. What I had expected was to get the paper back with at any rate a C in addition (To me, that is still awful.), however what I didn't expect was to get a thirty-seven out of seventy. Embarrassed, I immediately stuffed the task over into my cover and said nothing. It was dreadfully discouraging, and I would not like to see that paper. I never figured I would bomb that terrible, and I was unable to trust I had allowed myself to come up short. I have an inclination that I despite everything put the exertion in, so for what reason did I get simply over 50% credit. Some child behind me just turned in a sheet of upsides and downsides about his contention and he got some credit for that.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Leadership Style - Skill - and Change Management
Question: Give a short conversation on administration style, expertise, and change the executives. Answer: Administration Great initiative requires great human quality past the idea of being legitimate. In the time of globalizations, great pioneers are the empowering power propelling the individuals and associations to perform and create in a group to accomplish the motivation behind the association adjusting people to associations needs and points. Great authority incorporates the correct disposition and conduct that is identified with humankind. Authority is a chance to serve the individuals of the general public. Initiative spotlights on the individuals of the association to settle on successful choices and activities and its obligation regarding individuals. Administration incorporates passionate qualities and conduct attributes, which originates from the pioneers and the experience they have accumulated throughout the years. Initiative is a significant idea, which is described by progressively unpredictable and quick evolving world. Great pioneers are obeyed as individuals trust and regard them in view of the incredible initiative they have appeared. Administration relies upon the qualities that are not quantifiable like confidence, motivation, demeanor, dynamic and it originates from the individual and expert experience of the pioneers. Today moral initiative has become a significant part since the world is associated and media and open scrutinize the activity and ways of thinking of the association. The new pioneers need to comprehend the individuals and the results before settling on any such choices that influence the organization picture in the market. Compelling pioneers are adaptable enough to change the authority style according to developing circumstance. There are exemplary styles, transformational styles, participative styles and persuasive pioneers (Madsen et al., 2014). Great styles clarify how much control a pioneer provides for its subordinates. In a free enterprise, style of administration supervisor gives extremely less power to the subordinates. This style of administration suits well in a circumstance where the workers are prepared and spurred. While dictatorial style of initiative clarifies a circumstance where pioneers control a large portion of the work and give less extension to the subordinates to make any proposals. The participative initiative style centers around cooperation to work cooperatively to take care of the issue and increment the exhibition of the pioneers (Salih Doll, 2013). Transformational style clarifies how pioneers can carry changes to a working environment and in the representatives. The pioneers of this class have a dream of the organization and have the skillets to execute the vision. The pioneers are propelled by their flawless quality and aptitude of administration to set the vision of the association and persuade others to accomplish it. This sort of initiative suits well in pioneering organizations (Mast et al., 2012). Participative styles feature worker investment in work. One of this sort of administration is the just style of initiative. In this structure the pioneer, take the people recommendation while settling on choices for the association. The style is most appropriate for those association which has a few choices to coordinate the group. The affiliative style centers around the collaboration to expand the exhibition of the group and improve the general standard of correspondence the framework. This applies to the organization where there is a tremendous hole made by an ill-advised association. Dynamic Leaders have a place with that class which is influenced by the character of the pioneers. This kind of administration centers around the compelling pioneers who set the elevated expectation of objective and are over the top to understand the objective. Michael Dell, one of the conspicuous pioneers of Dell PCs situated in Texas have a place with the classification on account of his steady undertaking to develop and improve the business. In a telling style of administration, the pioneers direct the workers like a military and are pertinent in emergency. In instructing style, the pioneer recognizes the advancement territories of a representative to show the student how to beat the issue by figuring the activity plan and by ceaselessly giving criticism to improve the result (Jones et al., 2012). Pretend Pretend is a significant learning instrument for quite a while. By pretending an individual is anticipating himself in a fanciful circumstance where an individual can't control the result of a case yet foresees a portion of the conditions to guide the presentation to impact the outcomes. Pretends frequently use hypothesis and accumulate all the ideas to change it into a pragmatic encounter. Pretend can be incapable when individuals are not satisfactory about what they should do. The target of pretending is to make it understood to the workers what is anticipated from them. The pioneer needs to comprehend whether the director needs to evaluate the expertise of the representatives or creating them. On the off chance that it is assessing the individuals, at that point they should realize the competency level of individuals to know about their latent capacity and their ability to confront a test. It permits different members to screen the pretend to offer the remark on this since it is enormously learning experience for the eyewitnesses. The onlookers ought to adhere to the pioneer's guidance while watching the issue comprehend the point pretend. One of the targets of the pretend is to build up the individual to confront future difficulties for the association. The idea of pretend bases on barely any things it must be basic, and the goal of pretend must be obvious to the me mbers, and the members must comprehend the guidelines and criticism of the pioneer who is given immediately (Bennett Dodge, 2014). For instance Storyboarding has been utilized for designing and software engineering ventures to guarantee participation structure specialists from various streams. Communitarian structure workshops use pretend where a software engineering or building understudies expect to assume venture jobs like task administrator, planner to play it up and it causes them to accumulate expertise and information and beat the difficulties while confronting such circumstance actually. Change the executives Change the board incorporates moving the association and its representative to get wanted changes the business. It very well may be key, operational or mechanical changes that can emerge out of the association or outside the association. Specialized, macroeconomics, globalization and new lawful enactment are viewed as the outside powers for change while new administration, rebuilding are viewed as the inner powers for change. The administration is a change specialist who will acquire all the positive moves the association to for the advancement of the organization. The outside powers animate the association to change the current situation with the assistance of authority to bring the ideal hierarchical changes. Mechanical changes can carry emotional changes to the structure by extending the gracefully and interest for the item in a market. It requires able change the executives to get the open door by maintaining a strategic distance from all the negative ramifications related with it. The downturn of 2008 represents the significance of versatility and change (Cameron Green, 2015). Shell was missing of oil holds emergency in 2004 and that has influenced its offer cost. This has occurred because of the takeoff of the Oil bunches executive, Sir Philip Watts. The new director Jeroen van der has distinguished the need of progress and changes of whole structure to hold the piece of the overall industry of the item. They have normalized the whole framework affecting 80 Shell units. The adjustment in process has demonstrated the significant market players the need of progress and concentrated on appropriation from everyone engaged with the framework. Participative administration It disperses obligation among the colleagues henceforth engaging the part and helping them in bunches dynamic. The participative authority bases on four things. First is the data sharing that is keeping the workers educated about the progressions and the financial status of the organization. It gives preparing to upgrade the expertise level of the representatives and give advancement chances to apply new abilities in regard of dynamic in the association. It offers numerous advantages for the organization by making proprietorship in the organization and spurs workers to improve efficiency to accomplish the objective. Steve Jobs, the proprietor of Apple and Pixar, is one of the famous participative pioneers who has developed Macintosh PC. Occupations innovation is set apart by straightforwardness; each part of the gadget is broke down cautiously. In this manner, Job has made something which is a case of incredible advancement and ready to ingrain trust in the clients. In his administration he has indicated tolerance, sympathy, energy and certainty (Sebastian,2014). Steve Jobs helped Apple to endure in light of his flexibility to new changes, from a participative pioneer Steve Jobs has gotten alluring or free enterprise pioneer and Apple has got achievement then he turned into an imperious pioneer and surrendered the organization according to the guidelines of Apples top managerial staff. Employments has come back to Apple following 10 years and applied a few initiative styles with participative style simultaneously. Consequently Jobs with the assistance of other experienced pioneers has made the progress and Apple endure. Gathering Discussions Gathering conversations help to determine issues, improves dynamic and to evaluate the character of the workers in a superior manner. It has become basic devices for critical thinking by giving differing perspectives. So the accomplishment of gathering conversations relies upon viable correspondence, a cooperation all things considered and a genuine administration ability (Ahmad et al., 2014). Many rumored B-schools like IIMs direct gathering conversations in the last round of choice procedure. In this procedure the applicants are posed not many inquiries dependent on a contextual investigation and the contextual analysis bunch conversations are generally managing circumstances in corporate world. The competitor will
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Im Already Stressed
Im Already Stressed My morning began with a quick text to my biggest supporter and best friend: Im already stressed. I continued on to whine and complain about the difficulty of my upcoming classes (especially PSYC 100!!!!), my lack of preparation, and the huge sum of money I would spend on books all before the first day of class. And for any college student, this is not unusual. Photo from But what my best friend responded with will forever change my view on a new semester, or any new challenge: Lets tackle this one thing at a time. Books are inevitable, but you made about that over break working. Youre smart and capable, but you dont get straight As being smart and capable. You work your butt off to get what you want. In one text message, my fear and anxiety began to melt away. I felt myself becoming excited about my new classes. And while every college-level class is difficult, I realized that the only way to succeed in college is through hard work and incredible determination. It seems to be the same story for all. At first, the feeling of stress and pressure. Then, a rush to get everything prepared and organized at once. Finally, the realization that each step must be taken one at a time, and then finding the right balance between preparation, organization, and achievement. For any high school senior who recently committed to this amazing university, or for any high schooler worried about college, this is a post for you and you only. The first semester of college will be difficult and it will be stressful, but it will lead you to incredible opportunities and unimaginable adventures. Rachel Class of 2020 I am studying Middle Grades Education with concentrations in Social Sciences and Literacy in the College of Education. Although I now reside in Champaign, I am originally from Vernon Hills, a Northwest suburb of Chicago.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay on Napoleons Failure to Dominate Europe - 837 Words
Napoleons Failure to Dominate Europe A rulers reputation comes from the change that he inflicts upon his subjects, territory, and surrounding lands. Napoleon Bonaparte rose into power during the French Revolution, causing drastic changes not only to France, but to the rest of Europe as well. His domestic and foreign policies were not always successful, but his ability to rule was undeniable. From his rising in power and reform of France, up until his military defeat in Russia, Napoleon succeeded in gaining a considerate amount of power and control. In France, Napoleon used his power to make many reforms in all aspects of life. He incorporated a national bank, public schools, and constructed new roads. With these changes, he alsoâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Also, the Civil Code limited some of the rights of women. Divorce was made more difficult for them, and after marriage, the husband had control of their property. In lawsuits, they were treated as minors, and their testimony was regarded as less reliable than that of men. (World History 641) Also, there were limitations on personal freedom such as press censorship, the use of spies, and the imprisonment of extremists. (Modern Times 58) In his domestic policiesâ⬠¦Napoleon both destroyed and preserved aspects of the revolution. Even so, it appears that for the time being, Napoleon kept the people fairly well satisfied. (Modern Times 58) Napoleon accomplished much during his era. The name Napoleon recalls to mind great battles won, mighty countries humbled, and the near establishment of a union of all Europe under the supreme leadership of Napoleonic France. (Modern Times 59) But as others had discovered before himâ⬠¦no nation can rule Europe for long. (The World in 1800 p89) Later came his ultimate downfall- the Russian Campaign in 1812. While the Continental System was enforced, Russia was an ally of France, so Napoleon expected Russia to support the anti-British blockade policy. (Modern Times 62) Later, when he found that Alexander I of Russia opened Russian ports to British commerce, (Modern Times 65) Napoleon wanted to punish him because other countries might follow Russias act.Show MoreRelatedNAPOLEONââ¬â¢S INFLUENCE ON MODERN WESTERN MILITARY ARMIES Essay1867 Words à |à 8 PagesNAPOLEONââ¬â¢S INFLUENCE ON MODERN WESTERN MILITARY ARMIES History 100, Staff Group A, CGSC Class 14-001 27 March 2014 1 Throughout history, military leaders have immortalized their legacies by vanquishing their enemies in the battlefield against overwhelming odds. Soldiers and historians have revered their accomplishments by studying their mastery in the art of warfare with the hopes mimicking their accomplishments. 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Friday, May 8, 2020
Animal Testing For The Sole Benefit Of Humans - 979 Words
For years, there has been a debate regarding the use of animals in medical testing for the sole benefit of humans. Many people believe that testing on nonhuman animals solve the many issues that humans face, but most of the time animals are exploited and put through painful experimental processes. The purpose of this paper is to examine the possible alternatives to animal testing and the evaluate whether there is a reduction in animals being used for experiments. The author of this paper will examine four journal articles titled as the following: Accept No Substitutes: The Ethics of Alternatives, Scientists and Animal Research: Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?, Strategic Focus on 3R Principles Reveals Major Reductions in the Use of Animals in Pharmaceutical Toxicity Testing, No Animals Harmed: Toward a Paradigm Shift in Toxicity Testing. Each journal article highlights different arguments of the said problem and reveals information about animal testing that many may not be aware of. The autho r will summarize all four journal articles and apply a response to each one. Joel Marks, the writer of the Accept No Substitutes: The Ethics of Alternatives journal, aims to express the reason why alternatives to animal testing should not be considered. Marks (2012) starts out by stating that ââ¬Å"it is common to argue that animal experimentation is justified by its essential contribution to the advancement of medical scienceâ⬠(p. 1). According to Marks, this argument contains an empirical claim thatShow MoreRelatedAnimal Testing Essay1194 Words à |à 5 PagesUsing helpless animals for the benefit of human beings goes back thousands of years. A common theme has been present: the use of these animals has been necessary for survival. Of late, these essential sacrifices have metamorphosed into yield-less speculations. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Mobile Device Software In Diabetes Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
To analyze the salient characteristics and measure grounds scientifically for the effectivity of mHealth engineering and results in diabetes patients self-management around the universe. Methods: A comprehensive electronic reappraisal was done through literature hunts related to diabetes nomadic applications, indexed in digital library, ProQuest, PubMed, Google Scholar, web of scientific discipline, published since 2007. Strategy used in seeking literature will include terms/synonyms: nomadic phone ; SmartPhone ; Apps ; Cellular phone ; and diabetes direction. We will write a custom essay sample on Mobile Device Software In Diabetes Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now We surveyed the undermentioned features:1. Behavioral alterations, 2. Management: 2.1 Blood glucose, 2.2 Weight, 2.3 Diet, 2.4 Insulin and medicine, 2.5 Blood force per unit area, 2.6 Physical activity, 3. Education. A Meta-analysis was conducted for surveies with HbA1c steps. Consequences: Around 40 articles identified and screened for retrieval from ISI publication, of which 18 met the choice standards. Sample sizes for this survey ranged from 11 to 37695 patients aged 7 to 70 old ages old. Intervention continuance ranges from 1 to 12months. Significant betterments found in HbA1c and their life style. Decision: We find spreads between the functionality used in survey intercessions and evidence-based recommendations. Monitoring, Health reminders and instruction utilizing nomadic engineering significantly better the diabetes wellness. Keywords SmartPhone, mHealth, Diabetes Care, Mobile engineering, Blood glucose. Introduction Mobile engineering has been dramatically adopted around the world1,2. Report estimates that ââ¬Å" planetary Mobile informations traffic will increase 18 times between 2011 and 2016 â⬠. By the terminal of that clip period, it is projected that there will be 10billion nomadic devices in usage around the world3. Mobile engineering is the fastest turning sector of communications industry in low income countries4,5. Electronic medical and personal wellness records grow as nomadic phone engineering continues to spread out ; for chronic disease direction nomadic phones become important1. Although several methods of patient attention have been good established to better clinical profile and complications associated with DM, effectivity of fresh intercessions remains to be evaluated6. The intent of this survey is to place the salient characteristics and measure grounds scientifically for the effectivity of mHealth engineering and results in diabetes patient ââ¬Ës self-management around the universe. Diabetess mellitus is a common, chronic upset of insulin metamorphosis, characterized by persistently elevated blood glucose degrees. The microvascular harm that consequences affects neurological map, the kidneys and bosom and via medias peripheral blood supply. Sick persons are at increased hazard of eyesight harm, nephritic failure, shot and bosom onslaught. Two major signifiers of the status are recognized. Type 1 diabetes is caused by autoimmune mediated pancreatic harm and attendant loss of insulin production. In the Type 2 status, insulin production may be unaffected but the endocrine is unable to suitably excite cells to use go arounding glucose, a phenomenon termed insulin opposition. Key intervention ends in diabetes are to normalise blood glucose degrees and cut down modifiable hazard factors for cardiovascular disease. Where insulin production continues ( Type 2 diabetes ) initial therapy may concentrate on behavioural intercessions to modulate diet and promote weight loss. Drug therapy consists of auxiliary insulin ( the pillar for Type 1 diabetes ) and agents that cut down peripheral insulin opposition. Methods Datas Beginnings Computerized hunts were conducted to place systematic experimental and place randomized controlled clinical tests ( RCTs ) . Searched was done through literature hunts related to diabetes nomadic applications, indexed in digital library, ProQuest, PubMed, Google Scholar, web of scientific discipline, published since 2007. Strategy used in seeking literature will include terms/synonyms: nomadic phone ; SmartPhone ; Apps ; Cellular phone ; and diabetes direction. Study standards We surveyed the undermentioned features:1. Behavioral alterations, 2. Management: 2.1 Blood glucose, 2.2 Weight, 2.3 Diet, 2.4 Insulin and medicine, 2.5 Blood force per unit area, 2.6 Physical activity, 3. Education. A Meta-analysis was conducted for surveies with HbA1c steps. Data extraction To pull out findings require informations extraction in a consistent mode. It enables subsequently data synthesis and interpretation7. Created spreadsheet format to come in relevant informations which was extracted from published paper such as Writers, twelvemonth of publication, survey scene, sample size, survey design, age group, race, and continuance of intercession, outcomes, method of self-management, intercession inside informations, and reported consequences were reviewed. Meta-analysis Standards for executing a meta-analysis A subgroup/meta-analysis will be performed if three or more surveies are identified that satisfy the standards and statistical trials for homogeneousness. Homogeneity of intercession class type and result will be a necessary standard for representing a subgroup. Further division by demographic features and diabetes type will be merely considered if the grouping is of clinical/practical relevancy and if there are equal Numberss of surveies to make so. Subgroups will be constituted at a participant-level by including all relevant surveies. If farther informations is required, for illustration, to be able to divide out a peculiar patient group from informations that are reported in pooled signifier within a survey so we will reach the survey writers for elucidation. If this information can non be obtained so the survey will be excluded. The core measure of the systematic literature reappraisal is Data analysis. It involves roll uping and sum uping informations extracted from primary stu dies7. Consequences Features of included surveies In the initial reappraisal, around 40 articles were screened. After excepting surveies that did non run into the eligibility standards, 18 surveies were reviewed intensively. Of them, surveies took topographic point in several states including UK8,9,14, Italy9,14, Spain9,12,14, Australia10,14, New Zealand10, Korea11,14, multi centre ( Germany, India, Canada ) 11, US11,14, Norway13,15,17, multi centre ( Iran, Finland ) 14, Indiana16. Patients were recruited from primary clinics, third infirmaries and community scenes. Figure 1 shows the choice of surveies. Figure 1 ââ¬â Documents chosen for the survey of diabetes attention and direction utilizing nomadic phone engineerings Of the 18 surveies, 6 were excluded due non-availability of clinical informations, 12 were randomized controlled tests. The minimal continuance of intercession in these surveies was 1 month and upper limit of 12 months. Sample size ranged from 11 to 37695 patients at the terminal of the follow-up period and all surveies included both males and females. Gender was distributed about every bit in all the surveies. Participants were aged 7-70 old ages old. Approach of nomadic phone intercession Mobile phone intercession in this survey showed assorted technological inventions. Six of the surveies developed package or an application plan for diabetes care management8,9,10,12,15,19. The others used bing nomadic phone engineering to supply support for self-monitoring blood glucose, instruction, diet, exercising, and medicine adjustment18 Among the 18 surveies, 2 used a nomadic phone Short Message Service ( SMS ) to present blood glucose trial consequences and self-management information8,10. These surveies adopted a short message service entirely, or SMS combined with other intercession schemes, which included conveying self-monitored blood glucose to mobile phone via a Bluetooth radio nexus. Apps emerged as a distinguishable package class in 2008 when Apple, Inc. launched its iPhone App Store, an on-line depository from which apps may be downloaded for free or purchased. While the class is new, customized package for consumer Mobile devices ââ¬â pre-smartphone nomadic phones and personal digital helpers ââ¬â already existed. However, the iPhone was the first of a new coevals of ââ¬Ëconvergence ââ¬Ë devices integrating characteristics of a nomadic phone with that of a personal computing machine, the apogee of a tendency of increasing edification in both traditional Mobiles and electronic personal digital helpers ( PDA ) . Since the 2007 launch of the iPhone there has been rapid development of smartphones and apps. All major nomadic device makers now offer their ain App Store-equivalents. In add-on, apps are now being made available on other portable computing machines and tablets and are likely to distribute to traditional desktop computers23. On one of degree of description, a wellness app is merely one of several possible bringing methods for the behavioural constituents of a self-care intercession and so defines ( portion of ) the context of those constituents ( Figure 1.3 ) . However, multifunction package may be capable of back uping several elements of intercession content that would usually hold defined distinct constituents. Our scoping reappraisal suggests that app-based constituents be given to be a dominant characteristic for which other constituents play back uping functions ( for illustration by supplying accomplishments to utilize the app ) . We therefore experience it besides correct to acknowledge a class of ââ¬Ëapp-based intercessions ââ¬Ë where an app is the chief agencies of content bringing. Why it is of import to make this reappraisal Apps may offer a possible low-priced solution for back uping self-care intercessions. For policy shapers and clinicians there is a demand to understand whether this is an intercession class that can be considered for real-world usage. No reappraisal has focussed specifically on issues of cost and efficaciousness utilizing wellness apps for cMEDs. Possible quality and safety impacts have been suggested but there has been no systematic consideration of these. Although smartphone app class is new, our recent scoping reappraisal shows that package intercessions utilizing MEDs are non. Bibliometric analysis of app-related publications ( Figure 1.4 ) identified in the scoping reappraisal suggests that there is now a ample accumulated principal of literature. Figure 1.4 Accumulative figure of health-app related commendations, 1992-2010 Based on 2186 surveies identified utilizing the hunt and inclusion standards for wellness apps and cMEDs defined in this protocol for which publications day of the month was available. Diabetes-specific and self-care standards, nevertheless, were non applied to this dataset and the graph therefore reflects publications for all conditions. Each information point represents the cumulative sum of all commendations published up to the terminal of that twelvemonth. The figure of new commendations generated in each twelvemonth is shown as an note above the informations point Discussion Keeping wellness life style in patients with DM is cardinal to their wellness position and public assistance. Mobile phone engineering may be indispensable in intercessions that target behavioural and lifestyle alterations, peculiarly, those associated with chronic diseases direction. Our survey reviewed 15 surveies that assessed the consequence of nomadic phone intercessions on the ego monitoring and direction of DM provides grounds that there is a important consequence on DM direction utilizing nomadic technique. This consequence is consistent with bing literature18. The chief part of the present reappraisal provides the most recent grounds of mHealth surveies, and the findings are based on surveies from different states. Among the reviewed surveies, most applied randomized controlled designs, which enhanced the comparison of the results. Besides, most surveies applied quantitative steps of cardinal results, including HbA1c, weight loss and serum glucose concentration measuring. Despite the strengths of nomadic phone engineering usage, several possible restrictions should be kept in head when construing these consequences. First, although findings from the reviewed surveies showed promise in nomadic phone usage and betterment of DM direction, some of these surveies had little sample sizes. Therefore, future surveies that utilize big sample size are needed to find whether the increased patient-providers ââ¬Ë communicating via mHealth have important impacts on clinical results and public wellness. Second, it is unknown what sort of modes of nomadic engineering ( SMS, nomadic phone calls, application, etc ) play a better function in bettering results in patients with DM. Third, since most surveies had a short period of intercession, the long-run effects of mHealth are still ill-defined. Fourthly, the current reappraisal paper is done by the writers in seeking for the relevant literatures. We may hold missed some documents during the hunt. If any, it will do possible choice prejudice. Further surveies should be continued to corroborate the findings. Last, as with all systematic reappraisals, the present survey is capable to publication bias14. It should be noted that our present survey purposes to reexamine the surveies in the last decennary and to measure the feasibleness of utilizing nomadic phone engineering to advance patients ââ¬Ë DM direction and better healthy life style. It is clear that although mHealth techniques may offer new chances in disease control, we still face several challenges. First, the application of mHealth is a new attack in existent universe pattern. Most surveies are still in the explorative phases. Therefore, it is indispensable to happen the nexus between pattern and scientific cognition, which come from surveies with vigorous survey designs and a large-scale sample size. Second, uninterrupted attachment and conformity to mobile phone engineering in DM direction is important to the results. The nomadic phone usage intercession relies to a great extent on behavioural alteration theory. In other words, the invention is based on a patient ââ¬Ës willingness to to the full take part in every f acet of the intercession. Therefore, the intercession may non be suited for all patients with DM, such as those who may hold troubles operate smart phone. Several surveies observed that some patients withdrew from an intercession survey due to the incommodiousness of utilizing the assigned nomadic phones on a regular daily footing. Therefore, findings observed in most surveies are based on participants who may be extremely motivated20. Third, nomadic phone engineering raises of import inquiries about how to protect patients with DM while at the same time advancing its development and implementation20. This includes challenges associated with privateness and confidentiality of information collected and stored by nomadic devices and/or transmitted to cyber substructure databases. For presentment and intercession intents, extra privateness and confidentiality concerns originate when directing health-related informations to mobile devices22. For illustration, intercessions can be interr upted and privateness may be breached if the nomadic phone is lost or stolen. However, similar restrictions are present with other communicating manners ( e.g. , postal mail or electronic mails may be delivered to the incorrect reference ) 21. It is of import to guarantee that information gathered and transmitted via nomadic devices remains secure20. Fourthly, although nomadic phone engineering promises unprecedented chances to make DM patients anytime and anyplace, mHealth intercessions may ensue in the marginalisation of certain populations, such as nonreaders or those without entree to a nomadic phone21. These drawbacks may greatly impact the impact of such intercessions in such population. In the United States, nomadic French telephone ownership differs among different cultural groups and entree is lower among those with lower socioeconomic position ( defined as those with less than a high school alumnus ) . Similarly, grounds points to disparity between younger and older patients20. Possible accounts for this disparity might be related to age, urban and r ural, and economic system ; although neither of these grounds has been definitively determined. Decision The consequences indicate important betterments in gylcaemic control and self-management with nomadic phone intercession methods for DM attention. Uses of nomadic phone engineering in mHealth significantly cut down HbA1c as most reviewed surveies demonstrated. Further research with a longer continuance and larger sample size is needed to analyze several cardinal issues including the benefits of mHealth intercessions for patients and healthcare supplier ââ¬Ës perceptual experiences, and the cost effectivity in bettering self-management in diabetic patients. mHealth engineering as a tool in diabetes direction maintaining shoulder to shoulder of new tendencies, medical device seller design better tools for disease direction. mHealth engineering offer important betterment in the diabetes attention and eventful intervention consequence. How to cite Mobile Device Software In Diabetes Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
Words Used to Describe Someones Voice Essay Example
Words Used to Describe Someones Voice Paper Adenoidal Adjective if someones voice is adenoidal, some of the sound seems to come through their nose appealing adjective an appealing look, voice etc shows that you want help, approval, or agreement breathy adjective with loud breathing noises brittle adjective if you speak in a brittle voice, you sound as if you are about to cry croaky adjective if someones voice sounds croaky, they speak in a low rough voice that sounds as if they have a sore throat dead adjective if someones eyes are dead, or if their voice is dead, they feel or show no emotion disembodied adjective a disembodied voice comes from someone who you cannot see lat adjective spoken in a voice that does not go up and down. This word is often used for describing the speech of people from a particular region. ruity adjective a fruity voice or laugh is deep and strong in a pleasant way grating adjective a grating voice, laugh, or sound is unpleasant and annoying gravelly adjective a gravelly voice sounds low and rough gruff adjective a gruff voice has a rough low sound guttural adjective a guttural sound is deep and made at the back of your throat high-pitched adjective hoarse adjective someone who is hoarse or has a hoarse voice speaks in a low rough voice, usually ecause their throat is sore honeyed adjective honeyed words or a honeyed voice sound very nice but you cannot trust the person who is speaking husky adjective a husky voice is deep and sounds hoarse (=as if you have a sore throat), often in an attractive way low adjective a low voice or sound is quiet and difficult to hear used for describing a deep voice or a sound that has a long wavelength low adverb in a deep voice, or with a deep sound ma tter-of-fact adjective used about someones behaviour or voice modulated adjective a modulated voice is controlled and pleasant to listen to monotonous adjective monotonous sound or voice is boring and unpleasant because it does not change in loudness or become higher or lower nasal adjective someone with a nasal voice sounds as if they are speaking through their nose orotund adjective an orotund voice is loud and clear penetrating adjective a penetrating voice or sound is so high or loud that it makes you slightly uncomfortable plummy adjective a plummy voice or way of speaking is considered to be typical of an English person of a high social class. We will write a custom essay sample on Words Used to Describe Someones Voice specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Words Used to Describe Someones Voice specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Words Used to Describe Someones Voice specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This word shows that you dislike people who speak like this. n a quiet voice raucous adjective raucous voice or noise is loud and sounds rough ringing adjective a ringing sound or voice is very loud and clear rough adjective a rough voice is not soft and is unpleasant to listen to shrill adjective a shrill noise or voice is very loud, high, and unpleasant silvery adjective a silvery voice or sound is clear, light, and pleasant singsong adjective if you speak in a singsong voice, your voice rises and falls in a musical way small adjective a small voice or sound is quiet smoky adjective a smoky voice or smoky eyes are sexually attractive in a slightly mysterious way softly spoken adjective omeone who is softly spoken has a quiet gentle voice soft-spoken adjective speaking or said in a quiet gentle voice sotto voce adjective, adverb in a very quiet voice stentorian adjective a stentorian voice sounds very loud and severe strangled adjective a strangled sound is one that someone stops be fore they finish making it strangulated adjective strangled strident adjective taut adjective used about something such as a voice or expression that shows someone is nervous or angry thick adjective if your voice is thick with an emotion, it sounds less clear than usual because of the emotion hickly adverb with a low voice that comes mostly from your throat thin adjective a thin voice or sound is high and unpleasant to listen to throaty adjective a throaty sound is low and seems to come from deep in your throat tight adjective a tight voice or expression shows that you are nervous or annoyed toneless adjective a toneless voice does not express any emotion tremulous adjective if something such as your voice or smile is tremulous, it is not steady, for example because you are afraid or excited wheezy adjective a wheezy noise sounds as if it is made by someone who has difficulty breathing obbly adjective if your voice is wobbly, it goes up and down, usually because you are frightened, not confident, or are going to cry booming adjective gratingly adverb hoarsely adverb huskily adverb monotonously adverb quavering adjective raucously adverb stridently adverb tonelessly adverb tremulously adverb a voice like a foghorn a very loud voice in an undertone using a quiet voice so that someone cannot hear you someones dulcet tones the sound of someones voice as they speak adenoidal (ad]): if someones voice is adenoidal, some of the sound seems to come through their nose ppealing (ad]): an appealing look/voice shows that you want help, approval, or agreement breathy (ad]): with loud breathing noises brittle (ad]): if you speak in a brittle voice, you sound as if you are about to cry croaky (ad]): if someones voice sounds croaky, they speak in a low, rough voice that sounds as if they have a sore throat dead (ad]): if someones eyes or voice are dead, they feel or show no emotion disembodied (ad]): a disembodied voice comes from someone who you cannot see flat (ad]): spoken in a voice that does not go up and down; this word is often used for escribing the speech of people from a particular region fruity (ad]): a fruity voice or laugh is deep and strong in a pleasant way grating (ad]): a grating voice, laugh, or sound is unpleasant and annoying gruff (ad]): this voice has a rough, low sound guttural (ad]): a guttural sound is deep and made at the back of your throat high-pitched (ad]): true to its name, a high-pitched voice or sound is very high hoarse (ad]): someone who is hoarse, or has a hoarse voice, speaks in a low, rough voice, usually because their throat is sore honeyed (ad]): honeyed words or a honeyed voice sound very nice, but you cannot rust the person who is speaking husky (ad]): a husky voice is deep and sounds hoarse (as if you have a sore throat), often in an attractive way low (ad]): a low voice is quiet and difficult to hear; also used for describing a deep voice that has a long wavelength matter-of-fact (ad]): usually used if the person speaking knows what they are talking about (or absolutely think they know what they are talking about) modulated (ad]): a modulated voice is controlled and pleasant to listen to monotonous (ad]): this kind of voice is boring and unpleasant due to the fact that it does not change in loudness or become higher/lower asal (ad]): someone with a nasal voice sounds as if they are speaking through their nose orotund (ad]): an orotund voice is loud and clear penetrating (ad]): a penetrating voice is so high or loud that it makes you slightly plummy (ad]): a plummy voice or way of speaking is considered to be typical of an English person of a high social class; this word shows that you dislike people who speak like this quietly (ad]): in a soft, quiet voice raucous (ad]): a raucous voice or noise is loud and sounds rough ringing (ad]): a ringing voice is very loud and clear shrill (ad]): a shrill voice is very loud, high, and unpleasant ilvery (ad]): this voice is clear, light, and pleasant singsong (ad]): if you speak in a singsong voice, your voice rises and falls in a musical way small (ad]): a small voice is quiet smoky (ad]): a smoky voice is sexually attractive in a slightly mysterious way softly spoken (ad]): someone who is softly spoken has a quiet, gentle voice soft-spoken (ad]): speaking or said in a quiet, gentle voice sotto voce (ad], adv): in a very quiet voice stentorian (ad]): a stentorian voice sounds very loud and severe strangled (ad]): a strangled sound is one that someone stops before they finish aking it strident (ad]): this voice is loud and unpleasant taut (ad]): used about something such as a voice that shows someone is nervous or angry thick (ad]): if your voice is thick with an emotion, it sounds less clear than usual because of the emotion thickly (adv): with a low voice that comes mostly from your throat thin (ad]): a thin voice or sound is high and unpleasant to listen to throaty (ad]): a throaty sound is low and seems to come from deep in your throat tight (ad]): shows that you are nervous or annoyed toneless (ad]): does not express any emotion remulous (ad]): if your voice is tremulous, it is not steady; for example, because you are afraid or excited breathing wobbly (ad]): if your voice is wobbly, it goes up and down, usually because you are frightened, not confident, or are going to cry booming (ad]): very loud and attention-getting quavering (adv): if your voice quavers, it is not steady because you are feeling nervous or afraid a voice like a foghorn: very loud voice in an undertone: using a quiet voice so that someone cannot hear you someones dulcet tones: the sound of someones voice as they speak some notes i collected to describe voices.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Which Schools Use the Universal College Application Complete List
Which Schools Use the Universal College Application Complete List SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If youââ¬â¢re applying to college soon, you might have heard about the Universal College Application, a service that allows you to apply to multiple colleges with one application. So which colleges are on the Universal College Application? And is it worth using? We will give the complete list and also weigh the pros and cons of the UCA. What Is the Universal College Application? The UCA was created in 2007, and currently serves 44 colleges. While thatââ¬â¢s a pretty big list, itââ¬â¢s much smaller than the list of colleges the Common Application serves. The Common Application is the Universal College Applicationââ¬â¢s main competitor, and works with over 500 colleges. However, just because fewer colleges accept the Universal College Application as opposed to the Common Application doesnââ¬â¢t mean itââ¬â¢s seen as worse. Colleges that accept both applications treat them as equal choices. For example, Harvard presents them as equal choices, listing ââ¬Å"Common/Universal College Applicationâ⬠as a required part of your application. On their FAQ page, Cornell clarifies that both the Common and Universal College Application are treated equally:ââ¬Å"Although there are slight differences in the applications, it is important to recognize that both applications provide us with the critical information that our selection committees will need to make thoughtful admissions decisions and they will be viewed equally.â⬠So if the schools youââ¬â¢re interested in use both the Universal College Application and the Common Application, you can choose which one to use. The Biggest Names on the Universal College Application Many big name schools in the US use the Universal College Application, including three of the Ivy League schools ââ¬â Cornell, Harvard, and Princeton. Brandeis University Cornell University Duke University Harvard College Johns Hopkins University Princeton University Rice University The University of Chicago Vanderbilt University Notably, the rest of the Ivy League ââ¬â Brown, Dartmouth, Columbia, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale ââ¬â doesnââ¬â¢t use the Universal College Application. Big names like Stanford, MIT, and Caltech donââ¬â¢t use it either. The Universal College Application by State 21 states, plus Bulgaria, have colleges that accept the Universal College Application. New York and Massachusetts have the most UCA schools, while most of the other states on the list only have one or two.Check out the complete list below. Florida Embry Riddle Aeronautical University ââ¬â Daytona Beach, FL Lynn University ââ¬â Boca Raton, FL University of Tampa ââ¬â Tampa, FL Georgia Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) - Savannah, Georgia Illinois The University of Chicago ââ¬â Chicago, IL Maryland Johns Hopkins University ââ¬â Baltimore, MD Notre Dame of Maryland University ââ¬â Baltimore, MD Massachusetts Bay Path College ââ¬â Longmeadow, MA Brandeis University ââ¬â Waltham, MA Dean College ââ¬â Franklin, MA Emerson College ââ¬â Boston, MA Fisher College ââ¬â Boston, MA Harvard College ââ¬â Cambridge, MA Wentworth Institute of Technology ââ¬â Boston, MA Michigan Lawrence Technological University ââ¬â Southfield, MI Missouri Westminster College ââ¬â Fulton, MO New Jersey Monmouth University ââ¬â West Long Branch, NJ Princeton University ââ¬â Princeton, NJ New York Colgate University ââ¬â Hamilton, NY Cornell University ââ¬â Ithaca, NY Nazareth College ââ¬â Rochester, NY Rensselaer Polytechnic University ââ¬â Troy, NY Rochester Institute of Technology ââ¬â Rochester, NY University of Rochester ââ¬â Rochester, NY Utica College ââ¬â Utica, NY North Carolina Duke University ââ¬â Durham, NC Gardner-Webb University ââ¬â Boiling Springs, NC Ohio Lake Erie College ââ¬â Painesville, OH Pennsylvania Wilson College ââ¬â Chambersburg, PA Rhode Island Bryant University ââ¬â Smithfield, RI Johnson and Wales University ââ¬â Providence, RI Roger Williams Universityââ¬â Bristol, RI South Carolina Newberry College ââ¬â Newberry, SC Tennessee Christian Brothers University ââ¬â Memphis, TN Vanderbilt University ââ¬â Nashville, TN Texas Rice University ââ¬â Houston, TX Vermont Landmark College ââ¬â Putney, VT Southern Vermont College ââ¬â Bennington, VT Virginia RandolphCollege ââ¬âLynchburg, VA West Virginia University of Charlestown ââ¬â Charlestown, WV Wisconsin Beloit Collegeââ¬â Beloit, WI Milwaulkee School of Engineering ââ¬â Milwaukee, WI Wyoming University of Wyoming ââ¬â Laramie, WY Bulgaria American University in Bulgaria ââ¬â Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria States without Universal College Application Colleges Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine,Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota,Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Washington, DC. List of colleges via the Universal College Application website. Should You Use the Universal College Application? If you see a lot of your target schools on this list, youââ¬â¢re probably wondering if you should use the Universal College Application, or go with the Common Application instead. The main benefit to the Common Application is how many colleges it works with. So if you see most or all of the schools you want to apply to (excluding public state schools, which typically have their own application systems) on this list, you can go with the Universal College Application. The UCA is faster and more flexible in many ways ââ¬â you can write your essay on whatever you want and include links to online content youââ¬â¢ve produced. Plus, since itââ¬â¢s a smaller service, you can get faster technical support if you need it and are less likely to run into submission problems. However, itââ¬â¢s very likely that you have a few colleges on your application list that only take the Common Application, not the Universal College Application. If thatââ¬â¢s the case, you might want to consider going with the Common Application instead, since it will save you time. Whatââ¬â¢s Next? We have a thorough discussion of the differences between the Universal College Application and the Common Application in this post if you want to read more about the two options. Studying for the SAT or ACT? Learn for sure which one you will do best on. Get tips for writing the ACT essay or SAT essay, step-by-step. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Definition Essay on Success
Definition Essay on Success Definition Essay on Success The definition of success differs from one person to another. Most people work hard throughout their lives to achieve success. That might mean acquiring an education, being able to take care of oneââ¬â¢s family, achieving a lifeââ¬â¢s ambition, or making money. One interesting view about success is that it means something different to each person. Also, perceptions of success can be faulty. A person may seem to be successful, but scandal and ruin can easily follow if a person has made poor choices to achieve his ideal of success. It is not uncommon to hear people confess that the people whom they thought were very successful in life turned out to be rather miserable. Some of the individual who are successful especially when measured in terms of material wealth are often afraid of other people trying to take advantage of them. Basically one common observation in life is that it is difficult if not close to impossible to be successful in every aspect of life. In most cases, o ne can be successful in one part of life and be a total failure in another. When one is looking for success, one should concentrate on oneââ¬â¢s strengths rather than pursuing goals in those areas where they are likely not to enjoy a certain degree of achievement. There are many areas in oneââ¬â¢s life that are generally considered important. These include the self, business, family, environment, material things, community, work, spiritually, business, and friends. In order to be truly successful, one needs to balance each of these areas. It is rather obvious that these areas cannot be of equal importance to everyone, and this is why people tend to work towards being successful in some areas in their lives while neglecting the other areas. It is, however, not a good idea to ignore any of these parts even though it is important to set priorities. Even when capitalizing on oneââ¬â¢s strengths, an individual should strive to improve in other areas, as well. It is important to strive for a well-balanced life. For instance, if one works hard towards being successful and ends up becoming a workaholic, one may lose friends and family and in the long run, one may end up damaging his health or overall well-being. One should always try to keep each of the components of his life in harmony with each other. Some definition essay writing tips: When writing this kind of an essay, one should always begin by defining what success is. However, one cannot describe what one does not know. One should, therefore, demonstrate to the reader that he knows the meaning of success. He can offer the reader a definition and examples. After defining success one should write what success means in different areas of life. One should also note the importance of balancing priorities and offer an example or two. Are you looking for a high-quality custom essay written from scratch? Do you need writing assistance? Visit and we will help you!
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Research Proposal on Steve Jobs and the foundation of Apple Computers Paper
Proposal on Steve Jobs and the foundation of Apple Computers - Research Paper Example These products would contribute to annually increasing revenue and profit margins, today making Apple, Inc. the worldââ¬â¢s most successful technology company (Lashinksy). The organizationââ¬â¢s tremendous success has brought Jobââ¬â¢s leadership style to the forefront of consideration and analysis. Indeed, the subject is highly important as it relates to the very nature of business and leadership success. Jobââ¬â¢s was recognized for a unique and demanding leadership approach. Many individuals even went as far as to claim Jobââ¬â¢s was rude and arrogant. Undoubtedly it appears that Jobââ¬â¢s was a perfectionist. The research functions to examine Steve Jobââ¬â¢s personality in the context of his success as a the chief executive officer (CEO) of Apple, Inc. as well as his undeniable success as a leader. The underlining hypothesis is that through his persuasion, slight arrogance and perfectionism, Steve Jobs was able to create success for Apple, Inc. and attain his reputation of a strong leader. The research is significant both for advancing knowledge of successful leadership styles, as well as for further understanding the means an individual can mold and have a profound impact on a multinational organization. Ultimately, it is believed that this research will contribute to a furthered understanding of the very nature of success. ... is biography explores Jobââ¬â¢s arrogance in terms of the ravage it wreaked on his personal life, but also how it was indicative of an approach to life that defined and shaped its own reality (Isaacson). Other researchers note that such arrogance may have contributed to Jobââ¬â¢s ability to inspire others by getting them to view Apple as not just a company, but also a personal mission (Lundquist). Similarly, Jobs is considered a visionary. In an interview with Charlie Rose before returning to Apple, Jobs is said to have turned to the host and say that he knew how to save the organization, but they werenââ¬â¢t listening to him yet (Lasseter). In addition to being understood as a visionary, other researchers have focused on how Jobââ¬â¢s leadership style as a perfectionist contributed to his specific organizational skills. One perspective examined Jobââ¬â¢s nature as a taskmaster (Stengel). For instance, itââ¬â¢s noted that people who worked with Jobs said that he wou ld attempt to instruct his employees about every aspect of their job (Stengel). Other researchers have examined Jobââ¬â¢s leadership approach against that of Microsoft founder Bill Gates. While Gates has been described as methodical and lawyer like, Jobââ¬â¢s was recognized as ââ¬Å"the quick, live-for-the-moment hareâ⬠(Wilson & Skovgard, p. 51). Even as Steve Jobs is recognized as a prominent motivator and visionary, other researchers have considered that Jobââ¬â¢s arrogance and perfectionism also contributed to Appleââ¬â¢s success through his negotiation with outside vendors. For instance, during the late design period of the iPhone, Jobs was recognized for his clever and ruthless negotiations with telecommunications carriers ("The legacy of Steve Jobs," p. 3). Another research perspective considered Steve Jobââ¬â¢s personality
Sunday, February 2, 2020
What somthing happend to me in childhood that i will never forget Essay
What somthing happend to me in childhood that i will never forget - Essay Example At the time we had one game ââ¬â a Sherlock Holmes mystery game. By modern standards this game would be considered boring, but the shock of being able to interact with the computer made it fascinating. Looking back I marvel at how enthralled I became at even some of the smallest features. For instance, Microsoft Office and the ability to type out a Word document I found thrilling. Even more exciting was finally getting the Internet established and typing in a few commands. I remember one of the first searches was for NFL quarterback Dan Marino. Pages upon pages of results appeared. The effect was like of walking out of a desert and finally discovering abundant land and water on the other side. Over the next few months I became increasingly interested in the machine, learning how to navigate my way around Windows and fix errors that emerged. At the time it felt like just a passing hobby, but now that I look back I recognize this was a moment that would profoundly change the way I interacted with the
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Early Years Of Key Stage One
The Early Years Of Key Stage One This report focuses on the principles underpinning Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage 1 (KS1), and how this influences practice when supporting children in the transition from EYFS to KS1. This report will also include the similarities and the differences between the EYFS and KS1. The main aim of this report is to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of theory underpinning the development of key stage 1. The Early Years Foundation Stage is not a curriculum it is a framework. Sited in (DCSF 2008a, p.9) The EYFS document sets the standards for children from birth to 5 by meeting the diverse needs of each individual child this principle lies in the heart of the EYFS. All practitioners should deliver personalised learning, care and development to encourage and help children receive the best possible start in life. The overarching aim of the EYFS is to help children achieve the five Every Child Matters outcomes which are: Staying safe Being healthy Enjoying and achieving Making a positive contribution Achieving economic well-being (DCSF 2008 a) However the national curriculum sets out the stages and core subjects children will be able to be taught during their time at school. The national Curriculum also sets out the knowledge and skills that are important for children to become successful and confident learners. The curriculum also sets out the achievement targets in each subject, teachers can use these to measure each childs progress and plan the next steps in their learning. Schools are free to plan and organise teaching and learning in the way that best meets the needs of their pupils. The new curriculum identifies the impact of play-based and activity learning in engaging children and helping them achieve a wide range of outcomes and make the best possible improvement. (National Curriculum online) However the EYFS framework provides assurance, it also states that every child deserves the best start in life. The Early Years Foundation Stage sets standards for the development, learning and care of children from birth. The new primary curriculum expands on the principles of the EYFS and encourages play-based learning. In the early stage the content of the curriculum is generic to the area of learning. Rose, J. (2009) The principles which guide the work for all early years practitioners are grouped in to four themes. The first theme is A Unique Child: every child is an experienced learner from birth who can be flexible, confident and self confident about him or herself. The second theme is Positive Relationship: children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents, families and carers. The third theme is Enabling Environment: The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending childrens development and learning, The fourth theme is Learning and Development: children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of Learning and Development are equally important and inter-connected. The Four guiding themes work together to underpin effective practice in the delivery of the Early Years Foundation Stage. They put legal requirements in to context and describe how practitioners should support the development, learning and care for each individual child. (DCSF 2008a, p.9) Transition should be seen as a process not an event, transition is something that is continuous, and should be planned for and discussed with children and their parents. Settings should communicate information which will secure continuity of experience for the child between settings. Schools should use the summative assessment of each child recorded in the EYFS profile to support planning for learning in year 1. However teachers should also be familiar with the EYFS and the EYFS teachers should be familiar with the KS 1 Curriculum. (DCSF 2008b, p.10) Moving into years 1 can be a shock to some children after the play freedom they had in nursery and reception, five year olds can often be turned off education by suddenly being made to sit still and listen to their teachers. Sited in Moyles, J (2007 p. 16) Wood and Bennett (2001) stated that the effect on children of the transitions they make in early childhood has become a major focus on the national and international research. (Margetts 2002, Dockett and Perry 2004a-2005). As many practitioners are aware that the big transition may be the move from a foundation stage setting in to a key stage 1. The recent focus is on continuity and progression that can be offered to children at this point. Rose, J (2009) stated that: Transition from EYFS to primary school can be difficult for some children This can be difficult for children because the children are more familiar to the play-based learning, and when moving to key stage 1 the children will experience a difference as they will be expected to sit on a chair at a table and be told what to do. However the creative curriculum is also being introduced, the main aims of the creative curriculum are to encourage and develop a more creative curriculum in foundation subjects in Key Stage 1. The creative curriculum is also introduced to create a more personalised, incorporating key life skills that could transfer into lifelong learning skills and increase the use of the local area and increase out of classroom learning experiences. Feedback from parents, teachers and pupils suggested that the curriculum had become more creative and exciting. Pupils were taking part more and getting involved in their learning and took ownership. This also improved parental involvement in their childrens learning and development. The staff, parents and pupils commented on some changes they noticed occurring from the new topic approach. They reported that the children were more excited about their learning, the children were also talking about their learning more at home with parents and families. The children also started to bring resources from home for the new topic to support and expand their learning. (Creative curriculum 2008 online) The Independent Review of the Primary Curriculum includes a survey by Ofsted in 2007 which proclaimed that a very less amount of schools had successfully linked the areas of learning and development in the EYFS with the related subjects of the National Curriculum in Key Stage 1. Because there was lack of clear links between the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, this meant that 8 in 10 schools in the survey introduced the subjects of the National Curriculum at the start of the autumn term. However, Two in three of the schools taught a literacy hour or daily numeracy lesson within a few weeks of the start of the school year. In Rose, J (2009) Ofsted also noticed that over half of Year 1 teachers had used the Early Years Foundation Stage profile but few had found it mostly helpful. The EYFS profile confused many teachers by including assessments beyond the level of the early learning goals, but not linked openly to the level descriptors in the National Curriculum. However given the amount of time spent in completing the EYFS profile and its potential value as a personal record of each childs previous experiences and achievements it is important for schools to make better use of it. However The Cambridge Primary Review is an independent enquiry into the condition and future of primary education in England. It is based at the University of Cambridge, Alexander, R (2009). The Review proposes a debate on if the age at which children have to start school should be raised to six in line with many other countries. Logically the ages and stages of schooling should be brought in to line, so the statutory starting age would become six, the point at which children move from the foundation stage and enter the key stage 1. The main concern is not when children start school but what they do when they get there. With sufficient resources, there is no reason why good quality play-based learning up to age six cannot be provided in primary schools. However this is maybe a risky change because some fear that children with most to gain from early education will miss out through being kept at home until they are six. This would confirm that England has finally accepted the need to protect and preserve the distinctive nature of early childhood. Easing the way for the youngest four-year-olds to start school, however the Rose report which has recently been proposed, sends a different view. Rose, J (2009) says: I hope the review will help our primary schools to build on their success so that all our children benefit from a curriculum which is challenging, fires their enthusiasm, enriches and constantly enlarges their knowledge, skills and understanding and, above all, instils in them a lifelong love of learning. The curriculum that primary children are offered must enable them to enjoy this unique stage of childhood, inspire learning and develop the essential knowledge, skills and understanding which are the building blocks for secondary education and later life. Primary children must not only learn what to study, they must also learn how to study, so the children can become confident, self-disciplined individuals capable of engaging in a lifelong process of learning. High-quality teaching in the primary years, as elsewhere, is vital to childrens success. McKinsey 2007 reports said that the quality of an education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers. This is echoed by the Cambridge Primary Review, which states that A curriculum is only as good as those who teach it. Rose, J. (2009) However (BBC news 2008 online) states: Do children start school at too young an age in England? English pupils are starting very early in the classroom, Compared to other western European countries, as compulsory education begins in England at the age of five with children starting at four years old. However in countries such as Sweden, Denmark, school does not begin until the age of seven. This general question has been raised by the Cambridge-based Primary Review which is investigating how the primary education is organised. And its conclusion challenges the idea that an early start has long-term advantages for children. The assumption that an early starting age is beneficial for childrens later attainment is not well supported in the research and therefore remains open to question, says the report. However the Primary Review, taking an overview of the evidence, suggests that there is no clear link between quantity and quality in education. In England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the Netherlands, children start school at the age of five years old. However in Austria, Belgium, and Denmark the children start at the age of 6-7, and in, Poland, Spain, and Sweden children start at the age of 6-7. The Effective Provision of Pre-school Education (EPPE) project investigated the effects of preschool education and care on childrens development for children aged 3-7 years old. This study has established the positive effects of high quality pre-school provision on childrens intellectual and social behavioural development up to the end of Key Stage 1 in primary school. Pre-school has a positive impact on childrens progress over and above important family influences. The quality of the pre-school setting experience as well as the quantity are both important. The Effective Provision of Pre-school Education (EPPE) project explores the impact of preschool provision on young childrens cognitive progress and their social/behavioural development. The research seeks to establish whether different types of pre-school settings differ in their impact and effectiveness. It also seeks to identify any differences between individual pre-school centres in their impact upon childrens cognitive progress and social, behavioural development. EPPE (2004) However Brown, J. Said that the Effective Provision of Preschool Education (EPPE) is the first major study within the UK to focus on specifically the effectiveness of early years education, monitoring the development of children from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures as they progress from the start of preschool up to key stage 2. Brown, J. (2009, p.26) I n the national curriculum education influences and reflects the values of society. Therefore it is important, to recognise a broad set of common values and purposes that underpin the school curriculum. Education is also a route to equality of opportunity for all, a healthy and just democracy, a productive economy, and sustainable development. Education should reflect the permanent values that contribute to these ends. These include valuing ourselves, families and other relationships, and the wider groups, to which we belong, the diversity in our society and the environment. At the same time, education must enable us to respond positively to the opportunities of the rapidly changing world and work. We also need to be prepared to engage and connect as individuals, parents, workers and citizens with economic, including the continued globalisation of the economy and society, with new work and leisure patterns and with the rapid development of communication technologies. National curriculum (online) The National Curriculum applies to pupils of compulsory school age in community and foundation schools, including community special schools and foundation special schools, and voluntary aided schools. Getting children to sit down on a seat in key stage 1 is not a problem. But what we need to ensure is that these children are interested and excited about their learning, the children need to feel involved in what is taking place and have a level of expectation about what will happen next. A creative curriculum is not simply about making links between subjects, it is about finding ways to inspire the children by drawing in skills from art, music, technology, dance and drama. Creativity is about inspiring children through the establishment of memorable learning experiences. Creativity can be a platform for establishment of personalized learning, enabling children to think out of the box for themselves. (Teaching expertise online) This shows that the creative curriculum has been introduced so children are not sitting on chairs and doing what they are being told by the teacher, it has been introduced so children can enjoy learning through different experiences, and be more creative about their learning. However in nursery everything is more play-based, and key stage 1 is more focused on lessons like phonics, numeracy and literacy, this is why the creative curriculum has been launched so children are more motivated and interested in learning, and remembered what they had learned, due to this the children would want to learn for themselves they would be able to expand on the thinking and learn how to be in control. Within the EYFS it is also stated that the key person also play a vital role in a childs learning and development. Children can form an attachment in the setting with the key person, the benefits of this could be the child settling in different surrounding really quickly, and that the key person could assess and plan for the child individual needs. Sited in Elfer, P et al. (2003 p. 18) it was stated that the key persons role is vital for children and their parents. The key person makes sure that each individual child within the nursery feels welcome, safe and secure. They also make the child feel that they are taught about by someone in particular while they are away from home. However the key persons approach makes sure that parents are able to build a personal relationship with someone in particular rather than all the staff within the setting. The benefits of a key person are they give parents a peace of mind, it also gives the parents a chance to liaise and interact with somebody whom is fully committed and familiar with their child, and is able to provide the parents with up to date information about their childs learning and development. The Key Elements of Effective Practice (KEEP) emphasise that effective learning is dependent on secure relationships, an appropriate learning environment and high-quality teaching. Brown, J. (2009, p.26) The four main purposes of the National Curriculum are: To establish an entitlement To establish standards To promote continuity and coherence To promote public understanding Those awarded Early Years Professional Status must demonstrate through their practice that a secure knowledge and understanding of the following underpins their own practice and informs their leadership of others. The EYP Standards set out the national expectations for anyone wishing to gain EYPS and work as an Early Years Professional. They are outcome statements that set out what Early Years Professionals need to know, understand and be able to do. They cover working safely with babies and children from birth to the end of the new EYFS. Achievement of the Standards will enable members of the workforce to move across the range of early years provision, which will encourage and support learning and development.(EYP 2006 online) Reference Page Rose, J. (2009) Independent Review of the Primary Curriculum: Final Report. Nottingham: DCSF Publications Moyles, J. (2007) Early Years Foundations. Maidenhead: Open University Press Sylva, K., Melhuish, E., Sammons, P., Blatchford, I, S. and Taggart, B. (2004) The Effective Provision of Pre-school Education (EPPE) project: Final report: DFES Bertram, T., Pascal, C. (2002) Early years education: An International Perspective. Birmingham: QCA Brown, J. (2009) Spring. Department for children, Schools and families. P26-28 Elfer, P., Goldschimied, E., Selleck, D. (2003) Key persons in the nursery. London: David Fulton Publishers BBC News (2008) is five too soon to start school? News Channel: Education Available: Haywood, J (2006) Early Years Professional Standards. Available:!B121cf29d70ec8a3d54a33343010cc2 Department for Children, Schools and Families (2008a) Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Nottingham: DCSF Publications Department for Children, Schools and Families (2008b) Practice Guidance For the Early Years Foundation Stage. Nottingham: DCSF Publications
Friday, January 17, 2020
Affects of childhood trauma
Trauma as a child has developing effects, mentally and physically when growing Into an adult. BACKGROUND: The ma]orally of abused or neglected kids have a harder time building relationships with anybody who is trying to help them. It is proven kids without a healthy attachment are more prone to be vulnerable stress. We all know that stress can lead to a more severe lifestyle. Depression, anxiety and aggressive behavior are all medical problems following stress and traumatic trauma. Healthy development needs a healthy foundation. I am hoping to accomplish more education and a better understanding on this certain topic. With the online library, personal experience and the many other resources available, will be the biggest factor in the development of this research paper. There are a lot of opinion, facts and psychology papers written on this topic so it is going to be important to look for plagiarism. The more credible resources I look into the better the coherence and the less likely of committing plagiarism.The more aware we are of our behaviors and what our kids take from us, the better he understanding we have about their development. 1 . Some kids take a lot more from parents than others. 2. Some kids are more mentally traumatized to neglect than a lot of others are. 3. Some kids are born more emotionally sensitive than their siblings and friends. If you are an involved member of your community such as a minister, coach or school teacher you are going to deal with others personal situations. 1 .Understanding the mindfulness behind traumatic emotions the better educated and prepared you are for that certain situation. 2. The more educated you are on the behaviors that follow aromatic experiences the more of an open eye you will have for the situation. 3. Traumatized children are more likely to engage in high risk behaviors including, self- harm and aggression towards others. The education on human behavior and emotional intelligence gives us a better self-aw areness for ourselves and others. 1 . The more education we have on our emotions the better explanation we can give ourselves. 2.Self-awareness will give us a more open eye for the actions and behaviors we see in our kids and others. 3. Understanding the responsibility of our actions and how they have an influence on our kids, plays a major role in the way they perceive life. A lot of childhood trauma come from classmates and not the parents. 2. A lot of children are ââ¬Å"spoiledâ⬠and act out because there is no discipline. 3. Some kids are just born that way and they will grow out of It ââ¬Å"they are not depressed nor do they have anxietyâ⬠there Just kids and there are to many parent putting kids on medicine.Response to counter-arguments: 1. Yes correct, but if you are not aware of the change in your child's behavior because f what is going on in school, then you cannot correct the problem. 2. There are differences in behaviors when your child is not getting there w ay compared to you child going through a traumatic experience. 3. That's why educating yourself is so Important to understanding the differences. Already learned to live with the emotion and start to Just act out. Sometimes medication is what's needed, Just educate yourself on the medication and get different opinions.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
George Washington s President Of The Continental Army And...
ââ¬Å"Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actionsâ⬠(Geneen). No other president has exemplified such an understanding of leadership as President George Washington. There is no doubt that Washington deserves his reputation as one of the best presidents this country has ever had. His moral character and bold actions continue to set the standards for future presidents. Not only was Washington the Commander and Chief of the Continental Army and the President of the Continental Congress but he was the first president and only president unanimously elected twice and served from 1789 to 1796. During his time in office, Washington set this country on a path that has been able to withstand the test of time of over 200 hundred years. Some critics argue that Washingtonââ¬â¢s siding with Hamilton actually encouraged partisanship, the very thing Washington so vehemently denounced. However, it is clear that George Washington remained true to his vi sion of a strong and independent nation. He had many positive attributes, but it was his strong moral character, leadership skills, and political vision that made him worthy of the title ââ¬Å"Father of Americaâ⬠. Many scholars argue that Washingtonââ¬â¢s great reputation stems from his moral character. No other American president besides Abraham Lincoln comes close to being as praised for his character as George Washington (Catholic Exchange). George Washingtonââ¬â¢s moral character is the driving force that allowed him toShow MoreRelatedGeorge Washington : The First President Of The United States1415 Words à |à 6 PagesGeorge Washington, the First President of the United States, one of the most famous people in his time and in our time, was not always the President of the United States of America. 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